
Monday, September 23, 2013

50 Year Anniversary!

Sister Cardon reports she has had a wonderful week. They had a special anniversary Sunday. The chapel in Londonderry is the first chapel built in Ireland. It was the 50th anniversary of this special day. They had a big celebration during the church service. In the 3rd hour of church the bishop got permission to have an additional service that included the mayor speaking, and Jason Smyth, the ""super duper fast" Olympic runner. Sister Cardon reported that the chapel was full! In addition, she was pleased that two of their investigators came. 

The wild winds and rains have calmed and the weather was nice for a few days this last week. The missionaries were able to have a city tour for free. Sister Cardon said that people in Ireland are short. The average man is the average height of an American women. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ten to Twenty Hurricanes a Day!

Sister Cardon reports that she is staying in Londonderry for another transfer and will continue to train Sister Pitcher. She is excited to stay where she is. They are teaching several investigators. She also reports that the weather has turned very crazy. Apparently it is Hurricane Season in Ireland and they can get 10-20 Hurricanes a day!! This week she felt like she was going to be blown away like on the Wizard of Oz. Sister Cardon also says the weather can change in 5 minutes from sunny to a full blown hurricane with crazy wind and rain. She is struggling to keep warm and dry but is happy and working hard!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Rain Rain Rain and an American Kitchen

Trainer Cardon and Trainee Pitcher

Sister Cardon's Pole

An American Kitchen!
Sister Cardon reports that training is going well. The Autumn is upon her along with lots of rain. She reported 12 inches of rain in one day. She said she is wearing lots of layers and people comment on her cold hands when she is out meeting people. They have found two new people to teach and are continuing to work with the special people they have been working with for the last few months. They are so happy to be in their new flat. She loves the fact that there is an "American refrigerator" unlike the last flat.

Monday, September 2, 2013

A New Flat and Zone Conference

Zone Conference

Sister Shead and Sister Cardon with matching bags
This last week Sister Cardon attended Zone Conference and saw President Brown. She also had Zone meetings with the Zone leaders and she said it was fun and exciting.  She reports training is going well, and she is even enjoying. She is nervous for Smart Start. Smart Start is basically where you get together with all the other training companionships in the zone and practice with the zone leaders. She was able to move into her new flat that is "posh" according to her along with being safe because it's right next to the police station.